Tips For Treating And Preventing Athlete's Foot Fungal Infections

Posted on: 6 January 2017

If an area on your foot or toes has developed a scaly dry patch that itches when your foot gets sweaty, then you likely have athlete's foot. Athlete's foot is caused by a fungus that gets into the skin cells of your feet and causes blisters, peeling, and itching. While athlete's foot isn't dangerous, it is very irritating and should be treated as soon as you discover it. If you do not treat your athlete's foot fungus, then it can spread to other parts of your body and even work its way down inside of your toenails. These infections can be harder to treat, so it is always best to treat the source infection as soon as possible.

Here are some tips for treating and preventing future athlete's foot fungal infections:

Tip: Treat Your Athlete's Foot Fungus with an Over-The-Counter Medication

Since your athlete's foot fungus will not go away on its own, you must treat it with an antifungal medication. Thankfully, you can purchase antifungal medications over-the-counter and they come in the following forms:

  • creams
  • ointments
  • sprays
  • powders

You should dry your feet well after your daily bath or shower and then apply the medication according to the instructions on the packaging. Don't be surprised that it might take many weeks for your athlete's foot infection to completely clear up.

Tip: Bleach Your Laundry and Bathtub or Shower

Since the fungus that causes athlete's foot can live in your socks, bedding, and on the surfaces of your bathtub, shower, and floors, you need to use bleach while cleaning these things. Bleaching your bedding and socks will kill any fungal spores that are present, as will bleaching your tub, shower, and tile floors. 

Tip: Prevent Future Infections and Infection Spreading to Other People

It is important that you take steps to prevent future athlete's foot infections for yourself and others who live in your home. To prevent reinfection for yourself, you should:

  • avoid letting your feet sit in sweaty socks or shoes
  • change your socks often
  • wear only natural cotton socks
  • use antifungal powder to keep feet dry while working or exercising
  • air your feet by going barefoot at home
  • wear open-toed shoes when possible

Finally, it is very important that you do not walk with bare feet in any public places. For example, if you visit a hotel or gym, you should wear flip-flops in the shower to prevent picking up infections from other people and to prevent spreading your foot problems to other people as well. For more information on caring for your feet, check out a site like
